#100happydays Day 64

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#100happydays / Life, Love, Family

Day 64 April 21st  – The Wanderer Returns

Photo: #100happydays Day 64 - she's home!!!!! I'm very happy :)

My beautiful 12 year old. She has spent most of the school holidays away from home.

A sleepover with her friend kicked the holidays off and then she went to Cavan with her cousin. They were joined by another cousin and I’m sure the fun was mighty!

We missed our little lady so much. She, however, was having too much of a good time to be all that concerned with missing us which is exactly how it should be.

Still my heart was glad to have her home :).

We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. ~Frederick Keonig

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